Welcome to Tuck Online! 1Welcome!2Experience Level3Movement Goals4Your Workout Preference5Time Commitment We’re so glad you’re here! Together, let’s create your first 14 day custom barre and yoga program Please share your level of experience with barre and yoga workouts Experience Level(Required) Beginner (little to no experience) Intermediate (taken classes for 3 months / ready for a bit of challenge) Advanced (taken classes for 6+ months) Your Movement Goals Movement Goals(Required) Relieve Stress More Energy Get Stronger Mobility/Flexibility Mental Health Benefits More Confidence Your Workout Preference Your Workout Preference(Required) Isolated Workouts (core, butt, upper body) Mat Based Low Impact Barre Full Body Workouts Deep Stretch Slow Intentional Barre Standing Cardio Barre Time Commitment Time Commitment(Required) I generally have less than 30 minutes a day I generally have 30+ minutes a day Δ